Stuffed Eggplants                                                                          Starter


Serves 4


16                             small eggplants

2                                large eggplants

½                               lemon

20 g                          butter

salt, freshly ground pepper

2                                yellow bell peppers

2                                red bell peppers

1                                zucchini

1                                sprig thyme

2                                small carrots

2                                kohlrabi

100 ml                      olive oil


100 ml                     chicken stock (see basic recipes)

2 tbsp                       Pistou sauce (see basic recipes)






Scrape out 2 of the eggplants and cook in salted water until soft. Peel and finely dice the two large eggplants. Place in water with the 1/2 lemon. Melt butter in a hot pan and sauté diced egglant without browning. Salt and pepper to taste.

Remove bell pepper cores, wash zucchini and dice both into small pieces. Sauté in butter, season and add sprig thyme. Let cool in pan.

Peel and blach carrots. Slice kohlrabi, cut into uniform half moon shapes and blanch. Slice the remaining 4 eggplants and sauté in olive oil.

Reduce chicken stock to half the original volume and blend in the Pistou sauce.

To finish:

Warm everything. Fill the holloweg eggplants with diced vegetables. Arrange sautéed eggplant slices on plates and garnish with carrots, kohlrabi and Pistou Sauce.

You can use the eggplant pulp to make eggplant mousse.